
Thank you for volunteering to be a coach for the NHA Youth Soccer League! Our program exists for young players, but the league can only function with volunteer coaches. Being a coach is one of the most rewarding roles to play within the league, yet it can also be a challenge. Each player is different and presents a unique opportunity from a teaching/coaching point of view. Also, there are twice as many parents as players, and it is the coach's job to get all of them on the same page.

Coaches' registration for the Fall season is closed.

Please review the CYSA Heading Policy, revised on August 4, 2019.

Get Started

Check the calendar for upcoming coaching clinics. As there is a new law aimed to prevent and report child abuse in youth sport, SafeSport, NHAYSL will support all coaches with training and electronic resources as more information is made available. Please click here for more information on SafeSport.

Once you have received your roster(s), contact all parents by phone or email within 2-3 days. Please note that players are anxiously awaiting your phone call! Be prepared to tell them when their player will practice location, days, and times. At that time, ask for permission to place their names, phone numbers, and email addresses on a team roster to distribute. Tell them what to bring to practice (i.e., ball, shin guards, cleats, and water).

At your first practice, you should:

  1. Share some information about yourself and why you decided to coach soccer.
  2. Ask parents to volunteer as an assistant coach or team parent. All assistant coaches will also NEED to get fingerprinted.
  3. Discuss your expectations for the team, your focus, and objectives. Stress the learning, good sportsmanship aspects of the game rather than competition and winning.
  4. Schedule of games and picture day information.
  5. Other parental obligations and needs (sponsorships, snacks, etc.) Prepare a handout and/or talk about "team rules". Some examples are:
    • Parents should express only positive remarks to players, coaches, and referees.
    • Players are expected to show courtesy to opponents and referees. The decision of the referee is binding, don’t complain about missed calls. Contact the Director of Coaching if you have concerns.
    • All players must be willing to play all positions (intended for U6 – U10).
    • Players are expected to show positive attitudes and to follow directions given by the coach(es). Coaches will NOT permit grumbling, horse-play, or other disruptive or disrespectful behavior during games or practices.
    • Players must call, text or email if they will miss practice or games.
    • Discuss what will be done if a parent does not pick up their player at the end of practice. In order to protect both players and coaches, parents should make every attempt to be punctual when picking up their players from practice.
    • Sponsorship: We ask all teams to find one sponsor for each team. This helps the league defray some of the administrative costs involved with operating a large recreational soccer program. Sponsor businesses are advertised on our website and contact information displayed on our banners based on their donation.


We will provide you with two soccer balls, an air pump, whistle, clipboard, cones, a first aid kit, and a coach’s shirt. Have the players bring a soccer ball, shin guards, soccer cleats, and water to all practices and games. Have them label their ball with a permanent marker.


Always prepare a list of drills and skills you wish to accomplish during practice. Ensure to check each player for loose clothing and jewelry before starting games and practices. A 60-minute practice might consist of:

  • Warm-up (5 mins)
  • Stretches (5 mins)
  • Fitness (10 mins)
  • Rest period Skills practice (20 mins)
  • Small sided practice – 2v2 or 4v4 (15 mins)
  • Rest period Scrimmage (10 mins)
  • Team talk (5 mins)

Your practice should be modified to fit your age group and the needs of the players. You’ll always want to start with warm-ups and stretches, but the skills, small-sided practice, and scrimmage can be adapted to fit the objectives of your practice. Try to close each session with a brief discussion of a rule or skill concept so that the players have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions. Take the opportunity at the end of practice to talk to parents about an upcoming game or perhaps a drill they can practice with their players at home.