Team Parent

As the Team Parent, you help the coach and the team by facilitating, communicating, and delegating. You are there to coordinate the things that need to be done. This frees up the coaches to do what they are there to do – coach the players!

Thank you for volunteering to be a Team Parent for your player’s team. You are an important part of your player’s soccer experience and will provide invaluable assistance to your team’s coaches.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Generate a team roster, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses for each player and coach.
  • A copy of the roster should go to the Team Parent Coordinator and each member of the team.
  • Communication information from the coaches to the players and their parents (schedules, changes, game information, etc.).
  • Manage the team GroupMe app.
  • Schedule the team's volunteer duty, field set-up and field tear down, if applicable.
  • Schedule the half-time and after-game snack schedule for the players and the coaches. Referees appreciate refreshments, too!
  • Take and collect photographs to be used for the award ceremony and on the NHAYSL website.
  • Coordinate your team to make a team banner. Team banners should include the team name, the coaches, and players. You may collect money for the cost of the materials from each family or ask the team to provide materials. *
  • Coordinate the team basket raffled off during Opening Day. Your team must create a themed basket and provide all inserts either with individual purchases, a team fund collection, and/or sponsored items. *
  • Collect Soccerfest raffle tickets, facilitate the sale and money collection. *
  • Schedule team parties and/or other activities. And most importantly, encourage positive sideline behavior at both games and practices!
* – These items are directly associated with Soccerfest.