Volunteer Policy

The North Highlands Antelope Youth Soccer Club is a non-profit organization that depends upon volunteers to function successfully.  By volunteering with NHAYSC, you help us keep the costs of our programs down, so that they remain accessible to all children in our community, regardless of their financial background.

To honor the game, promote our sense of responsibility, and be part of an outstanding soccer Club, NHAYSC has requested a volunteer service commitment from each family.  Regardless of the number of children participating, only one requirement per family.

Families have two options regarding their volunteer fee:

Club Support Option.   Families can volunteer for one of the following service commitment positions: board member, coach, assistant coach, team manager, or join the academy, field, or equipment committee.

Hourly Support Option.   Families must volunteer a minimum of 10 hours by November 1.  Any family member over the age of 16 may volunteer for one of the various hourly volunteer service commitments that are available throughout the year.  Examples of some jobs are assisting with picture day, opening day, the spring jubilee, uniform distributions, or even attending the monthly NHAYSC board meetings.   

The North Highlands Antelope Youth Soccer Club’s Board of Officials will review each family's volunteer service commitment throughout the season.  Any family that does not meet the volunteer service commitment requirement will be informed via email.